Occasions for thanksgiving, 2013

thanksgivinggreetingsAn incomplete list:

Who or what is on your list?

10 thoughts on “Occasions for thanksgiving, 2013

  1. Oh, Historiann, I’m so sorry to hear about Mouse! I hope he went serenely.

    On my list? I’m grateful for:
    ~My kitties — one of whom resembles Mouse.
    ~My incredible friends, who are always there for me.
    ~The ability to welcome the changes happening in my life right now.
    ~Artisanal cheese, always and forever.


  2. Thanks, Squadrato. Mousie was a good little kitty. He died when I was in Michigan this summer–I had a feeling he might not last the week when I left. It was sad, but he was worn out by kidney failure, which seems to be pretty common esp. among male cats.

    I hope you’re still enjoying Trannie Diva! (I want to hear more about the changes in your life!)


  3. Hey, B.T. Scrivener. Good to have you aboard aboard!

    Mouse were a hell of a cat, that’s for sure.


    a) All of the above.
    b) Cinnamon
    c) Pears
    d) Lamb

    Oh, wait, this isn’t the T’g’v recipe edition…

    e) All of the above.
    f) Flowers
    g) Kids
    h) Historiann (and this honorable blog!)


  4. In no particular order (after the first)
    Challenging and satisfying work
    The community of blogs
    My students
    My kitties
    My families — formed by birth, marriage and adoption

    And welcome to BT Scrivener!


  5. * Family, close and far
    * Friends, old and new
    * Cats and dogs who get along
    * Projects, in all stages of gestation
    * Expats who invite all the other expats over for Thanksgiving dinner
    * Little* boys who wish for peace at Thanksgiving
    * Smart, thoughtful women

    * Just don’t let them know I called them “little.”


  6. Can you even get a turkey where you are at this time of the year? (I suppose they’re laying in supplies for Christmas over there?)

    A Canadian friend of mine here in the west is always enormously frustrated when she looks for turkeys in October to celebrate Canadian thanksgiving instead of the U.S. American version.

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


  7. over there

    There was a Turkey, yes. I’m vegan though so my preference would have been to have made its acquaintance a few weeks earlier, when I could have helped it to escape. I made a roast out of wheat gluten with bread dressing inside, which was quite popular. Something we talked about last night was the relative tolerance for innovation among traditional holiday meals. Thanksgiving seems relatively high on the inviolability scale.

    People are indeed laying in supplies for Christmas, and have been for some time. With no Thanksgiving to interfere, it can begin quite early.


  8. – Historiann and Madeline
    – Great staff and colleagues who make work worth going to even when I would prefer not to
    – A turkey that, despite some slapstick, panic attacks, and mild burns involving the smoker, turned out pretty darn well.
    – Brilliant western skies
    – Mouse, despite our at times contentious relationship
    – The remaining cat who has become a reliable tv watching companion in her dotage.
    -Family that I enjoy seeing and hanging out with.
    -The proximity of many square miles that I can disappear into when the mood suits me.


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